Wednesday, January 12, 2005

1/12/05- david

Today we met with the group that went to china last year. They told us all kinds of stories about how they bonded and had some of the best experiences of their lives in china. they explained how it's like they have two lives, an american one and a chinese one. I wonder if that'll happen with me too?
I noticed none of them really mentioned the things they learned about the culture they tended to describe the relationships they built there. Maybe that is the best way to truly "learn about a culture." I guess americans hold a kind of celebrity status in Xi'an and the group last year was treated with awe. That's the total opposite of what the chinese kids who come here get. They simply dissappear among the many groups of people that exist at Brookline High.
What kind of exchange is this where the Americans become celebrities and the Chinese students aren't even seen? yet another example of the advantages of being american?


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