Thursday, March 17, 2005

China 20: Sunny Days

weird food: Sting Ray (Celine tried it)
weather: Sunny, 50's, bright

So today things are much better. In fact, I'm very excited for what the future will bring. Gaelen did an amazing thing with my frustration yesterday. She was able to use what I said yesterday about how frustrated I was with the group and make it productive. First of all, she's decided that we should have more Chinese class which will help us out a lot more and make school feel like it's worth it. But more importantly after I explained to her that I felt like the group was lacking a goal or purpose of being in Xi'an, she posed the question to the class of how they felt about the goal of this trip.

Isaiah was the first to speak. He suggested that we write a guide book of Xi'an, or more like a collection of info for the next year's group and for ourselves. The benefits of the group making this guide together was that it'd allow us to explore Xi'an, we'd be doing productive, and best of all the entire group was very enthusiastic about it. We immediately began having ideas about writing top ten restaurants, what to do about Chinese crushes, where to buy the cheapest DVD's, etc. And that kind of tangible goal that could get the entire group excited and eager to be working on something really inspired me and made me feel better. Finally, we're moving beyond the simple HW of reading and discussing; there will be something to show for our being in Xi'an.

That is if we get it all together. This is a big project to embark on, but as long as we keep the group momentum I think it'll be very fun and rewarding.

Anyway it's sunny today.


At March 17, 2005 at 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the sun always seems brighter after a rainy spell. we're starting to see the ground again in brookline too so the winter depression is lifting.


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