Monday, February 14, 2005

china day 2

alright, i don't have a lot of time again, but heres another little story. today i met up with the group and we had a banquet. we got cell phones and chinese silk jackets. this was the first time that we've seen each other since we were wisked away by our families at the Xi'an airport. everyone had a lot to say about the 12 hours we'd spend with our families so far. topics included the lack of shower curtains, food, parental guidance, and as my host brother sits here attempting to translate this into chinese i'm gonna end this update early because he's pretty good at it.

odd food: ox blood



At February 14, 2005 at 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay so how does the Ox blood compare to the Haggus?

At February 14, 2005 at 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi david!!
wow so you're really actually in china... it must be such an experience, especially right now at the beginning when everything is new. anyway, i'm looking forward to reading your blog because your trip will be fascinating no matter what happens, and always keep that in mind. anyway, math is sad without you... dana made the tables so i'm sitting with him and dan tadmor and listening to conversations about fantasy sports every day. i need to you stimulate a deep conversation. i'm not sure whether you care to be kept up to date on what's going on in brookline, since i'm sure whatever happens in china is a thousand times more interesting than some scandal over sitting on the wrong side of the hallways. oh well. anyway, keep us updated and i'll try my best to comment and keep you updated! i hope you're having a great time

At February 14, 2005 at 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally figured out how to get on the site, your handy sign outside the library helped. I don't even know what to say, cause how could i ever know what I am talking about China. I feel kinda weird that this will be on the internet so I will email you soon, if you can even get email. I don't know, whatever. I wish I could send you some annas, oh thats right you like boca, sorry I forgot. Do you want to know all the boring stuff that you tried to get away from or should I save Brookline shit for when you come back? Lastly this site is kinda cool, in a bizarre kind of way. I hope your alright. Oh ya, can you tell Celine that I want to send her a video of Feats on the Floor, if you can get mail. Can you?

At February 15, 2005 at 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo kiddo,
so youre there finalement! well id just like to say be thankful that cars arent very big there. i hate cars. im looking forward to updates and have a great week. if you get the same tv there you do here, amazing race starts again march 1. but otherwise, my grandma recommends you immerse yourself in the chinese pop and soap opera scene. bio is boring as usual, although i had an epiphany last night and decided there was no hope in reading 40 pages for the test that i hadnt read yet, so i watched tv instead. have an psychedelic time and be nice to your family. i suppose ill tell the whole story of my newest neuroticism (because im sure you want to hear that) on an email or something.

oh happy valentines you loser .. ;)


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