Wednesday, May 25, 2005

China 41: 3, 2, 1...

Yesterday was our last full day in Xi'an. It was lack luster at best. I visited the Muslim Quarter one last time. Bought a seal with my Chinese name, a painting of a woman washing her hair in the rain, and some dried kiwis.

My family took me out to eat at the Xi'an Hotel. My host cousin and her family were also there as well as my host grandparents. Everyone was so nice. By the end of dinner my host cousin, Tian Tian, was crying that she wouldn't see me again. I was touched and gave her a big hug but I didn't feel as sentimental. She'll be at the school to see me off today.

All night yesterday it was absolutely pouring. My host mom explained that the weather was greiving my approaching departure with its tears. Back at home after dinner, my host mom added her own tears as we packed. Again I was touched and gave her a big hug. I guess I didn't feel to attached to the family I've developed here. In the US, people come in and out of houses all the time, so I guess I'm used to staying and leaving.

But last night a slept like a hurricane. I eventually couldn't take it anymore and got up around 6:00 am. I attributed it to my upset stomach and drank some coffee to see if that could clear me out, which it did pretty well. Then seeing as my host parents wouldn't be up for at least another three hours I watched TV and then a random movie I found. I forget the name but it was a cheesy romantic comedy, exactly what I needed to uncover my latent emotions.

When my host mom woke up and served me a bowl of hot milk and some cakes I couldn't eat. I also could feel the beginnings of another emotional hurricane stirring. My host dad went off to work, and my host mom is cleaning the house right now. She doesn't have to clean, we have a maid, but I think she wants to stay busy. I too don't really know what to be doing before we all go to the school to catch a bus to the airport.

So this will be my last blog from China. We're off to Beijing sometime soon. And I dunno what's up really. I'm exhausted from no sleep. My stomach feels ill. And I have more baggage than I can carry.


At May 26, 2005 at 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

save travels

At June 1, 2005 at 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would love to see a summary of your trip. As someone who stumbled across your blog by accident and then keep checking in to see how your group was doing, I'd be interested to read about your thoughts now that you've returned to the US. Was it worthwhile? will you keep in touch with your host family? do you imagine going back? greatest lessons learned, etc...


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